This morning we went for a 2 hour Whale and Dolphin Trip with H20 Madiera and it was phenomenal! We took the “orange” boat which is a small inflatable raft style boat with an outboard motor. We were so close to the water that the dolphins were within arms length. The water was crystal clear as well which made for stunning photographs. This particular company also allows you to swim with the dolphins which I highly recommend for those who feel comfortable swimming and getting towed behind a boat.
Check out the Video below!!
Here is what we saw on the trip!
- Bottlenose Dolphins
- Spotted Dolphins
- Common Dolphins
- Blainville Beaked Whale – These whales have a snout somewhat like a dolphin and, in the males, the teeth from the lower jaw are pronounced and used in sparring with other males. The whales were much more stand offish than the dolphins but here is a photo below of them.

H20 Madeira
Whale & Dolphin Watching & Swimming
- Difficulty 30%
- Whales & Dolphins Viewed 90%
- Good Guides 90%
- Boat Ride 90%
- Cleanliness 100%
Amazing video.
Thanks! It was beautiful with such fantastic visibility in the water