Day 85 (Wednesday, December 22, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Today, I woke up late and had a bite to eat. The we got ready to meet up with Sarah and Sylvia to have a walk around Cambridge. Both of them went to school here so they know the town like the back of their hand.
First we stopped at Cambridge Castle which is now disassembled since the stone was sold off by the crown to be used in the construction of Kings College, Cambridge Colleges, and Great St. Mary’s Church. However, the large flat topped mound or motte still remains. This site has been a strategic location for 2,000 years due to it’s location as a river crossing point for the River Cam. The Romans built a fort there in 43 AD and later on it was converted into a stone castle under Edward I.

After Cambridge Castle, we walked around Cambridge University and the town peering into the stone archways, walking along cafe lined streets and green fields and over the bridges crossing the River Cam as pole boats glided underneath. Sarah showed us where her dormitory room at Cambridge was located and she would sit and have a beer and ponder life.

It is a beautiful town with a great deal of character and history. For example, the tree in the center of the photo below was grown from a graft from Sir Isaac Newton‘s apple tree that inspired his theories on gravity. The Eagle pub below on the right is where Watson and Crick, the Nobel Prize Winners for their work on the DNA double helix would go to have a drink.

After our fun tour with Sarah and Sylvia, we stopped at Pho Cambridge for some . . . pho and to feed Sydney. (Cost: 36 Pounds). The pho was flavorful and spicy and the sorbet and chocolate was a nice icy sweet finish to the meal.

After eating, we went to the Sainsbury nearby which is a grocery store and picked up some items we needed. (Cost: 26.88 Pounds).
Then we walked a couple blocks to catch the #1 Arbury bus back to our Airbnb. (Cost: 5.6 Pounds) The public transport shows up on Google Maps and you can pay via credit card when you step on the bus so it is quite convenient.