Day 88 (December 25, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

I woke up around 8:30am, had a cup of hot coffee and Bi made a delicious breakfast of eggs, mushrooms, and sausage.
Then I went for late morning workout. Here is what I did:
Ran 4.84 Miles (2.42 Miles to the Calisthenics Park and back), 2 sets of 10 pullups to chest level or as high as possible, 2 sets of 10 explosive pull-ups, 2 sets of 15 Australian pull-ups (basically bodyweight rows from the rings), 2 sets of 10 negative muscle ups, 2 sets of 12 dips from the bar, 2 sets of 15 explosive bar dips, 2 sets of 10 jumping muscle ups, 2 sets of 10 toes to bar reps, 2 sets of hanging L sits holding for 20 seconds, 2 sets of 12 scapular shrugs, 100 pushups (40/20/15/15/10).
Still having issues with my elbow but I felt stronger on the calisthenics portion than yesterday.

We spent the afternoon chatting with family over facetime and having a little celebration at home.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!! Sending lots of love and wishes for a happy and healthy holiday.