Day 89 (Sunday, December 26, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Today, I woke up at 8:30am and had coffee. Bi made a delicious breakfast of eggs, sausage, sweet potatoes, etc.
We discussed some more on puppy training and I purchased the Kindle eBook for The Dog Whisperer by Paul Owens – 2nd Edition. (Cost: 7.49 USD) My sister used this book for training her dog, Cooper, with very good results so we thought we would check it out.
Bi also made an appointment with a Dog Trainer, Nicola Jenkins, for January 3rd. She has a long list of accreditations and attended the British College of Canine Studies. (Cost: 30 Pounds/Session but we will pay on Jan 3rd)
In the afternoon, I rented an eScooter via Voi which is an app and they have drop off/pick up locations throughout the town. It’s fairly expensive but was fun to zip around town in the scooter. I planned to go to the Fitzwilliam Museum but it was closed so I just checked out more of the town. (Cost: 9 Pounds)
Our power also went out for a portion of the day which was a bit of a pain. I checked the fuses in the unit but that did not help so we called the landlord. She had the renters in the main house check the fuses there and that did the trick. So, we were only out of power for about half a day.