Day 90 (Monday, December 27, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

I woke up around 8:30am and went for a morning workout. Here is what I did:
Ran 4.83 Miles (2.41 Miles to the Calisthenics Park and back), 2 sets of 10 pullups to chest level or as high as possible, 2 sets of 10 explosive pull-ups, 2 sets of 15 Australian pull-ups (basically bodyweight rows from the rings), 2 sets of 10 negative muscle ups, 2 sets of 12 dips from the bar, 2 sets of 15 explosive bar dips, 2 sets of 10 jumping muscle ups, 2 sets of 10 toes to bar reps, 2 sets of hanging L sits holding for 20 seconds, 2 sets of 12 scapular shrugs, 100 pushups (50/30/20).
Still having issues with my elbow which is feeling worse today but glad to get my workout in none the less.

Then I played with Sydney, took her out in the yard for a while, and then we chilled on the couch for a bit. Bi made a delicious breakfast of eggs, sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc. in the crock pot.

We ran some errands in the afternoon and went to Aldi for some groceries. (Cost: 5.94 Pounds) Bi was feeling a little dizzy and needed a 7up so we picked some up from the gas station nearby along with some snacks. (Cost: 2 Pounds)
In the evening we took the bus (Cost: 7.2 Pounds there and back) to Vue Cinema to watch The Matrix Resurrections. (Cost: 21.98 Pounds) The cinema is nice with big reclining leather seats in relatively small theaters. I thought the movie was entertaining and fun but not fantastic like the others in the series. Anyway, we had a nice time and enjoyed ourselves.