Day 14 (Tuesday, October 12, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Woke up at 7am and made some French Toast with Jam and a coffee.
Then grabbed my surf gear and headed over to the Jah Shaka Surf Shop for my Beach Transfer with the Surf School Tiny Whale to Praia do Bordeira. Below is the map from Lagos to Praia Do Bordeira as well as the Surf-Forecast information for today.

When we arrived I hiked out to the cliffs overlooking the break to check out the beach and the waves. It is a gorgeous wide beach. There are multiple beach breaks but it was best on the left hand side of the beach by the cliff.

The waves were better suited to long boards today but I had fun and caught some decent waves with my short board as well.
After surfing, we ate lunch and then headed back to Lagos. I paid 25 EUR for some surf photos that Ezekial Zaccardi (Eze – Surf School Photographer) had taken on Day 10 (Oct 8, 2021).
One of the surf school students had been cut on the head by a fin and so we dropped him off at the hospital on the way back for some stitches. He was in good humor about it so I think it was relatively minor.
Once back at the apartment, I hopped in the shower and got ready since our friends from the US, Andy and Joey, were coming over to stay with us for a few days!
In the afternoon/evening, we spent time chatting with Andy and Joey, ate pizza, and had a glass of wine together.