Day 18 (Saturday, October 16, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Woke up at 7:30 am and went for a 2.95 Mile morning run to Meia Praia Beach. There was not a very good spot to do calisthenics so I just did 100 pushups (40/20/20/20). The sunrises here are quite nice.

After my run I came back and Bi made a delicious breakfast for Andy, Joey, and I. We ate on the balcony and chatted for a while over coffee.

Then Andy and Joey packed up their luggage and headed off to the Airport in Faro. It was wonderful having them for the last few days!
Bi and I grabbed our bikes and pedaled to an apartment viewing at Rua Belchior Moreira Barbudo, Lote 4. It is a little ways up the river and right next to a gas station but fully renovated inside. They had it listed for 190k EUR which I think is too much. The views were poor and the layout was also a bit odd with the kitchen well separated from the living room so it did not flow well from one room to the next.
After the apartment viewing we went to Hiper China to pick up some bike locks (2 for 3.9 EUR total).
Then we stopped by another apartment but it smelled rather fishy. We discovered afterwards it was fairly close to the Fish/Produce Market. We stopped into the market to take a look and picked up some fresh tomatoes (2.4 EUR for a bundle). Take a look at this strange eel we saw at the Fish Market:

I think I saw one of these in the harbor inlet that I paddled across when I went surfing at Meia Praia. It completely freaked me out but slipped by so smoothly into the shadows that I wasn’t sure if I was just imagining things. Now I feel fairly confident that it was real.
After the market, we biked over to the Library where we registered (free for residents – just showed a copy of our lease). We picked up our library cards and I got an interesting little book on the Algarve.