Day 20 (Monday, October 18, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Woke up at 7am and went for a morning run and calisthenics. Here is what I did:
Ran 1.29 Miles (0.64 Miles there and back). Pullups- different variation where I go past the bar and bring it to the bottom of my pecs (3 sets of 5 reps). Dips on the pullup bar and slowly lowering down ( 3 sets of 5 reps). 100 Pushups (20/20/10/20/20/10). Straight leg raises hanging from the pullup bar (3 sets of 5 reps). 1 minute Left Side Straight Arm Planks/ 1 minute Right Side Straight Arm Planks/ 1 minute Straight Arm Planks. 1 minute flutter kicks. Hang at an angle from the bars (2 sets of 10 seconds per side). 40 Hanging rows.

Then Bi made a nice breakfast of Eggs, Avocado, Cheese, Tomatoes and Toast with Coffee. It was delicious!
Afterwards, we packed up our climbing gear and picked up some Empanadas to take with us for Lunch (15.00 EUR). Then be biked over to Pingo Doce to meet our friend Amanda who was taking us climbing in Sagres. We picked up some groceries at Pingo Doce (7 EUR + 2.5 EUR for OJ).
Amanda drove us out to a steep overhanging cliff in Sagres near a beautiful secluded beach. It was a gorgeous spot and we ended up climbing all afternoon until dark. Most of the grades were difficult for Bi and I at FR 6a/6a+ which is a 5.10a/b in the Yosemite Decimal System. So, Amanda sport lead the routes and we top roped and cleaned them. It was fantastic!

Amanda dropped us off back at Pingo Doce in the evening and we picked up some more groceries (12.54 EUR) and then biked back to the apartment. We made some pizza and then took showers and crashed for the night. What a great day! Thank you Amanda for leading all those routes!!