Day 24 (Friday, October 22, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

I woke up at 7:15am and made a breakfast of French Toast with blueberries and a coffee.

Then I packed up my surf gear and headed over to Jah Shaka Surf Shop for a Beach Transfer at 9am. (25 EUR but I pre-paid on Day 21)
The surf school was Tiny Whale again and they took us to Praia das Cabanas Velhas. The instructors were Reece and Otto who were super nice, even to me and I was only doing the beach transfer (so no lesson).

The beach is a medium size with a eroded cliffs backing the beach and a rocky outcropping on the left. The waves seemed to break best along the left hand rocks and were fairly small and broke close to shore. The beach is mixed with pebbles so you had to be careful when jumping off your board or letting your board get too close to shore. Conditions were well suited to beginners on long foam boards but it wasn’t the best for me on my 29Liter 5’9′ DHD Switchblade. However, I was able to catch quite a lot of little waves and it was a fun day out.
After surfing for a few hours, they provided a pack lunch and then we hopped in the van for the ride back to the surf shop.
In the evening, Bi and I went to dinner at Empanadas & Company again. (Cost: 17 EUR) Always delicious!