Day 8 (Wednesday, October 6, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

We woke up at 7am today, ate breakfast of egg burritos (me) or eggs (Bi) and had coffee. As you may know from my Day 6 entry, we are still in the midst of establishing a bank account in Portugal. The system was down on Monday so we were asked to come back this morning at opening to sign all the necessary documents.
So, we showed up at the Millenium Bank at 8:20am since they open at 8:30am and we wanted to be first in line. When we got there, there was already one gentleman waiting so we were second in line. Our ticket number was C001 – I wonder what the number was for the first gentleman?

Anyway, we only had to wait about 20-30 minutes and Jose Silva, our banker showed us in to meet with him. After two and a half hours of signing and filling in forms, we finally had a Bank Account and also had setup Portuguese Private Health Insurance through Medis at 111.27 EUR/Month for the both of us. There is obviously an overlap with our Travel Insurance but the Travel Insurance fine print shows it may not cover Covid and we want that covered. Also, once we get our D7 Visa, we will cancel the Travel Insurance but Travel Insurance covering the whole Schengen Region (EU Region) is required for the D7 Visa. The cost is also relatively small for the peace of mind.
After our successful bank outing, we came home and had lunch on our balcony.

In the afternoon, I ran a 2.95 Mile loop at a slow 9.55 minute per mile pace to Praia de Porto de Mos to check out the surf but it was completely flat. There should be some swell coming in tonight and tomorrow but we will see.
I showered up and then we headed back out. First we stopped by the Surf Shop Jah Shaka and I booked a $25 EUR Beach Transfer for Friday. Then we hiked over to the grocery store called SPAR. Cost: 124.21 EUR. We were heavily loaded up on the walk back so it should last for a while.