Day 36 (Wednesday, November 3, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Today, I woke up at 7am and went for my morning run and calisthenics workout. Here is what I did:
Ran 1.28 Miles (0.6 Miles there and back), 3 sets of 10 pullups to chest level or as high as possible, 3 sets of dips from the pullup bar going as low as possible, 100 pushups (30/30/20/20), 3 sets of 8 straight leg raises from the bar, 3 sets of 10 chin ups, 1 minute straight arm planks LH/RH/Regular, 1 minute flutter kicks, 3 sets of 10-15 second side holds from the bars, 50 inverted rows from the rings.

After my workout, I had a coffee and wrote a little. Bi made a delicious breakfast of French Toast with Blueberries! So good!

After breakfast, I worked to issue some cashier’s checks for our visa applications but this time did it via my US bank online. The first one was free and the rest were $10 each. I issued 4 of them so it cost $30 USD. The actual amounts were $230.64 USD. So total cost was $260.64 USD.
Then I did some online Christmas shopping and purchased gifts for my niece and nephew on (Cost: $77.63 USD).
Bi went to the hair salon to get a trim and highlights. I think she got something called a Balayage which is basically where they do highlights without using foils. Instead, they paint the highlights on your hair which is supposed to give a more blended, natural effect. (Cost: 95 EUR)
In the evening, we went to July, Erik, and Gina’s house for dinner. We decided to make the salad and some french fries as sides so we rode our bikes to Pingo Doce to pick up some groceries (Cost: 29.38 USD).
It was a short ride from the grocery store to their apartment which is just past the harbor. They have a nice big kitchen so it was perfect for entertaining. Gina made these amazing Chinese dumplings, Erik made cheeseburgers, and Bi and I made salad and french fries (though Bi did most of the work). After dinner, we had ice cream for dessert and then went to watch Dune! It was a delicious dinner and a such a fun time.