Day 48 (Monday, November 15, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

I woke up at 7am and went for my morning run and workout at the Calisthenics Park. Here is what I did:
Ran 0.6 Miles there (walked back since I had to pick up groceries), 4 sets of 10 pullups going as high as possible or doing a full muscle up, 4 sets of 10 dips from the bar going as low as possible, 100 pushups (25/25/25/25), 4 sets of 8 straight leg raises from the bar, 4 sets of chin ups going as high as possible, 1 minute straight arm planks – Left/Right/Regular doing dips or leg/arm raises for last 15-30 seconds, 1 minute flutter kicks, 4 sets of 10-15 second side holds from the bars, 50 inverted rows from the rings (15/15/10/10), 3 sets of 8 pushups on the rings.
Then I picked up some groceries from Spar (Cost: 11.57 EUR) which is close to the Park and walked home.
Once back at the apartment, I made eggs with onions, sausage, haloumi, and tomatoes with sliced apples on the side.

The webcam at Campimar was showing some waves at Porto Mos but they looked rather small. However, our Whatsapp Lagos Surf Group said the waves were good on the far right side which is not easy to see on the camera. So, I packed up my surf gear and hopped on the #2 A Onda bus to Porto Mos. (Cost: 1.2 EUR)
The group was right and the waves were around 3-4 feet and clean even though quite crowded. There was also long periods between the larger sets. However, I had a good session and caught some nice rights, trying to work on my movement on the wave and cutbacks.

Below is a video where you can see the conditions much better:
After surfing, I packed up my gear and caught the #2 A Onda bus back to Lagos. (Cost: 1.2 EUR). Then I walked back to the apartment, rinsed out my wetsuit, took a shower, and made lunch.
Meanwhile, Bi went to an apartment viewing since we are trying to see if this area would be a good spot to invest. We have been looking at properties on idealista.
In the evening we took our friend’s dog, Kora, for a walk since they were going to dinner. It was nice to see the beaches at night.