Day 57 (Wednesday, November 24, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Today we both woke up at 5:40am and had a breakfast of granola and yogurt with coffee. I packed up my surf gear and then we headed over to the bus stop to catch the Eva #47 bus to Sagres which takes about an hour. (Cost: 4.3 EUR X 2 People = 8.6 EUR)
Bi woke up so early to come with me to take some photos/videos and keep me company. Thank you Bi!!!
The surf forecast at was looking decent with 4.5 foot waves and 10 mph cross-shore winds between 8-10am when I was planning to surf.

We arrived around 7:50am and hiked 10 minutes over to Praia do Tonel. The morning was crisp and cold and the sheer cliffs dropping off to the beach felt rugged. The 4-5 foot waves were decent size and power but significantly smaller than the previous times I had surfed here. I think the medium sized waves brought in more surfers because it became crowded quite quickly but I had a really fun session. Bi took a great video so check out the clip below of me surfing!
After surfing, Bi and I hiked over to Caffe Espresso in Sagres and had some coffee and pastries. (Cost: 13.58 EUR) The view of Praia da Mareta was gorgeous and the coffee was delicious after a cold surf session.

At around 11:50am we walked across the street to catch the #47 Eva bus back to Lagos. (Cost: 4.3 EUR X 2 People = 8.6 EUR). Once back at the apartment, I rinsed out my wetsuit and hung it out to dry
Then Bi and I biked over to the Vodafone store and Hiper China. At Vodafone, we extended our temporary local SIM cards for 4 weeks and 10 GB of data/ 500 call time minutes. (Cost: 23 EUR X 2 SIM Cards = 46 EUR)
Then we pedaled over to Hiper China which has a wide variety of random goods at great prices. We bought a harness, 3 toys, a leash, a lead with a carabiner/clip, poop bags, potty pads, and a little coat for our future puppy as well as a water bottle, winter hat and gloves, a bike/bag lock, and some hats for our Christmas party. (Cost: 59.90 EUR)
After we loaded up the backpack, we biked back to the apartment. I wrote for a while and Bi chatted on the phone with a friend trying to help them with some issues.
Then I cooked a dinner of sausage, eggs, onions, mushrooms, garlic, soy, and fried rice. Afterwards, we watched another of Zak George’s 30 day dog training videos.