Day 65 (Thursday, December 2, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Today I woke up late around 8:30am and had a cup of coffee. Bi made breakfast of eggs, toast, avocado and haloumi and then we started following up on some items we have open.
I researched the covid test requirements for England and scheduled our PCR Covid Tests. Since we should qualify as fully vaccinated, we have to do a covid test within 2 days of arrival in England. The tests are fairly expensive at 44.99 EUR X 2 people = 89.98 EUR. However, they are mandatory. I’m sure the test companies are making a ton of money off these travel rules.
I also did some research on storage and found out we could get a 2.25 M ( 5.9 Cubic Meter Unit ) on the 1st floor of the storage building outside Lagos for 36.10 Euros per month via U-Store Portugal. A deposit of 25 EUR was required and a 5% discount is available with a 6 month contract. However, we are only expecting to need the unit for 3 months. This is just a backup as we are hoping to be able to store our suitcases and my surfboards with some friends.
Bi managed some issues with our rental subleases in Chicago which we needed to deal with.
In the afternoon, I met up with Dom to go to Zavial for a surf. I drove to Luz in the rental car and then Dom drove us both from there to Zavial. The Magic Seaweed forecast for the afternoon around 3pm looked decent.

Unfortunately, the surf ended up being fairly small. We watched for a while but the waves were breaking close to shore. It was ok for long boarding but not so great for a short board. Check out the 8 second video below:
The above is on the right hand side of the beach which is usually the best spot. You can see in the video how it almost forms an A-frame even though it was really small today. On medium size days you can ride it left or right. When it’s really big, I think it just breaks to the right.
On the left hand side of the beach, the waves break on the sand and it was small and mostly close out. There was a surf school there but they were just riding the white water. There was one spot where you could catch a small wave on a long board for a couple seconds but that’s about it.

We watched for a while hoping it would get a little bigger but it didn’t seem like it was going to improve. So, we decided not to surf today and headed back. On the way, we stopped at Intermarche and I picked up a large bottle of fresh squeezed orange juice for 2.99 EUR. They have them at most of the grocery stores here and they are delicious!
Dom dropped me off in Luz and then I drove back to the apartment.