Day 71 (Wednesday, December 8, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Today, I woke up at 6am, had a small cup of coffee and a snack and packed up my surf gear. I walked to the car and then drove over to Porto Mos to meet Saul and Dom for a 7:15 am surf. There was a swell coming in and it was expected to hit today. Waves on the west coast were showing at 6-10 feet and 3-5 feet on the south. The west showed 20-25mph winds so we figured the south facing beaches would be cleaner. Porto Mos does not show up in Magic Seaweed so we generally use Praia da Luz as a reference since it is close by.

At 7:15am, the sunrise was just coming up and a light rain was sprinkling. Unfortunately, the waves were still fairly small. Normally, it breaks best on the far right side by the cliffs. It’s a bit hard to see in the photo but the waves were starting to form just not quite enough size and power.

Since Dom is staying by the beach in Mos, he agreed to look out the window every hour or so to check for any improvements.
I drove home to have some coffee and make breakfast. The rental car contract expires today at 11am so I called Europcar Lagos to see if I could extend until Dec 15th under the same terms. I spoke with a lady named Irene and she indicated that I could actually return the car tomorrow morning even though the contract said today because they go by the number of days versus the contract date/time. If I want to extend the contract, she said I would have to come into the office tomorrow morning and that the best terms she could give me were below.
Europcar Lagos – I spoke with Irene
Extend to Dec 15
107 EUR without toll pass – 6 days (18 EUR/day)
120 EUR with toll pass 6 days (20 EUR/day)
Obviously, these terms are much higher than what we are currently paying (11EUR/Day with toll pass) since we booked through the online broker So, there is a huge advantage in booking via the online broker vs. directly via the rental car company. We re-booked again via another broker for 54.02 EUR total from Dec 9-15 without toll pass which is about 9 EUR/Day (I will have to add the toll pass at the counter).
In the afternoon, Bi went to lunch at Dom Henrique with Sofie and Sofika. They took Bi out for her birthday and gave her balloons so Bi had a very nice time and felt happy.
Then I drove Bi to have her eyelashes laminated at Abbie’s Lashes (Cost: 40 EUR).
While Bi was at the lashes place, I went to Intermarche and did some grocery shopping (Cost: 42.32 EUR). Then I baked a cake for Bi’s Birthday. I didn’t have a blender so it was a lot of manual mixing but I think it turned out rather well. It is a two layer chocolate cake but with a healthy vegan chocolate mousse frosting made of avocados, bananas, honey, coconut cream, and cacao. I used the mousse as the frosting and also between the two layers. Then I put desiccated coconut and blueberries on top.

In the evening, we dropped off some of the items we do not plan to take to the UK at Sylvia and Sarah’s house since they said we could store items there.
Then we came home and Bi made a delicious dinner of chicken, mushroom, tomato, and salsa fajita’s with melted cheese.