Day 73 (Friday, December 10, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Today, I woke up at 7:30am. First, I went to Intermarche for some pastries (Cost: 16.26 EUR). Then I drove to Hiper China to get the balloons I bought previously filled with Helium. It cost 38 EUR for the Helium but I had a prior credit for returns of 18 EUR and I returned a few more items for another 10 EUR so I only paid 10 EUR for the Helium.
Then I came home and decorated the bedroom. Bi had fallen asleep on the couch so it was a perfect chance to decorate the bedroom for her birthday. Once I had it all ready, I woke her up and took her to the bedroom to surprise her.

It was a success! Bi loved it and was very happy and felt loved.
Then, we biked over to the marina for a Dolphin Tour by Seafaris at 11:30am. The ocean was choppy and it was a bit overcast and chilly. We cruised around for about an hour and a half and didn’t see anything. The biologist said we would have to start heading back so we figured we were out of luck. All of a sudden, we ran into a huge pod of about 50 bottlenose dolphins! They were all around the boat and most of the females were with calves. (Cost: 80.3 EUR but paid on Day 60 when I bought the tickets)
Check out the video below:
After the Dolphin Tour we had Amanda and her husband Claudio over to our house for brunch/lunch. It was a lot of fun and I think we did a good job on the food!

It was a wonderfully planned day honey ! Thank you
You’re welcome honey!