Day 74 (Saturday, December 11, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

I am feeling inflammation in my elbows which seems to be most closely correlated with the descriptions of cubital tunnel syndrome. I also have a deep cut on my right hand index finger from climbing. So, I decided to sleep in today and rest up. I woke up at 9:30am and made a cup of coffee.
Then I did some writing and review of the constantly changing Covid travel guidelines for the UK. We now need a test within 2 days of flying to the UK even if we are vaccinated. There is a list of Covid Test Centers in the Algarve located here. So I contacted one that I am familiar with (LuzDoc) to see if they can meet the timing and other requirements:
- List Type of Test Taken – Antigen Test performed within 48 hours prior to shipment (only rapid antigen tests on this list are accepted).
- Passenger Name (as per passport)
- Date of Birth
- Clear Identification of the Laboratory including the Certification
- The Date and Time the Sample was collected and the Explicit Negative Test Result – We have to take it within 2 days of our departure flight per UK guidelines
- Results must be in English (or French or Spanish) – According to Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing before you travel to England
We already have tests booked for after we arrive in the UK which is also required.
LuzDoc emailed me back quickly and we have an appointment for a Covid-19 Antigen (Lateral Flow) Test for both of us on December 15 at 12:15pm. They indicate we will have results within 2 hours maximum and in English. They indicated the cost would be 25 EUR each.
For Lunch, we went to Mar Restaurante which overlooks Praia dos Estudiantes. It has a phenomenal panoramic view. Unfortunately, my chicken burger tasted like it was synthesized out of fake meat or some kind of fatty blend that loosely resembled chicken. Bi had the mushroom risotto which she said was okay. On a positive note, the fries are tasty, my Pimm’s cocktail was great, and our friend Erik had the cheeseburger with bacon which I am told is delicious. (Cost: 42 EUR)

We hung out for a while chatting and then I drove Bi out to Alvor to meet up with Charlie and Fee at Cult n’ Art Café (Cost: 4 EUR).
After dropping off Bi, I drove back to Lagos and went grocery shopping at Intermarche. (Cost: 51.31 EUR).
Then I checked my email and listened to this amazing Ted Talk by Sam Berns. Listen to it. I think it will make your day better.
Bi said they were coming over to our place for cake so I went next door and picked up two bottles of wine and a lighter for the candles. (Cost: 10.8 EUR). Then we sang Happy Birthday and had some wine and homemade chocolate cake with blueberries.