Day 78 (Wednesday, December 15, 2021)
Cost for the Day are in the Table below:

Today, I woke up at 7am and went for a morning workout. I am still feeling nerve issues in my elbow but wanted to at least try to work out. Here is what I did:
Ran 1.28 Miles (0.6 Miles to the Calisthenics Park and back), 3 sets of 10 pullups to chest level or as high as possible, 3 sets of 10 explosive pull-ups, 3 sets of 15 Australian pull-ups (basically bodyweight rows from the rings), 3 sets of 10 negative muscle ups, 3 sets of 12 dips from the bar, 3 sets of 15 explosive bar dips, 3 sets of 10 jumping muscle ups, 3 sets of 10 toes to bar reps, 3 sets of hanging L sits holding for 20 seconds, 3 sets of 12 scapular shrugs, 100 pushups (30/25/25/10/10), 1 minute straight arm planks (left/right/regular) with dips or arm/leg raises in last 15-30 seconds, 1 minute flutter kicks, and 2 sets of side holds from the bars.

I could feel my elbow getting aggravated which is frustrating since I don’t feel like I am pushing myself very hard.
Once back at the apartment, I had coffee and Bi made a nice breakfast.
Then Bi went to Millennium Bank to see what the terms of a loan would be in case we decide to buy a property. We need to supply all our financial information – last 3 months of bank/brokerage account statements, 3 month payslips, prior year tax submission, etc. – in order to get a formal quote. However, our banker advised that the interest rate would be approximately 1.2% which could be locked for 20 years and that the loan period would be 28 years. (Note: We had heard from friends about loans up to 40 years with other banks but with only a 10 year fixed rate) So, it sounds like the banks offer very different loan structures. Fees for the loan would be approximately 200 EUR for the application, 200 EUR for the property assessment, and 200 EUR for the signing. Property Sale Taxes for the purchase of a 229k EUR property would be in the range of $5k EUR for a resident and $8k EUR for a foreigner. This is rough information but interesting
After the bank, we drove to LuzDoc for our Covid Tests (Antigen). The cost was 25 EUR/each plus another 1.5 EUR/each for surgical masks. (Total Cos: 53 EUR) The facility was a private one and was fast, clean, and professional. I would recommend them even though the charge for the masks was ridiculous. They would not accept cloth masks which is why we had to buy surgical masks from them. Apparently, it is some sort of regulation.
After the testing, we drove back to Lagos, picked up some things we need to store and then drove to Sylvia/Sarah’s place. They let us keep some items in their storage unit which is very nice and super helpful.
In the afternoon, we went to view a 3 bedroom/ 3 bath apartment in Luz listed for 275k EUR that is part of the same complex as the unit we saw yesterday. This one had newly renovated bathrooms but the kitchen was very outdated and it needed other updates and improvements as well. The electricity seemed to have been updated but I believe the plumbing was still the original which likely needs to be investigated. The water heater also seemed to be extremely small for the 3 bathrooms. However, there were 4 balconies one of which was very large. These needed some improvement as well but were unique and offered a lot of outdoor space. Property Taxes on an annual basis are low and only around 300-400 EUR/year.

Once we left the apartment viewing, we stopped by LuzDoc and picked up our Covid Test Results. No Covid was detected and it was good to have the printed results in hand for our flights tomorrow.
On the way back to Lagos, I stopped by Intermarche Gas Station and filled up the tank. (Cost: 36.21 EUR Details: 22.24 Liters of E-5 Gasoline at 1.628 EUR/Liter)
Then I dropped of Bi at home to start cleaning and packing and I drove to Europcar to drop off the rental car. I was supposed to return the vehicle at 9:30am today and instead returned it at 5:00pm so there was an additional charge of about 10 EUR. The toll fees will not be known for another couple weeks at which time they will bill them against my credit card directly.
Then Bi made spaghetti for dinner and we filled out our Passenger Locator forms for the UK which have to be completed within 48 hours of travel.