Day 92 (Thursday, December 29, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Today was another cold, gray, rainy day in England and we had little desire to explore so we stayed in for most of the day. In the morning we enjoyed our warm cups of coffee. We did some further analysis on the Luz, Portugal properties we are considering buying and we traded some notes with the realtors. We also followed up with our banker at Millennium bank to check on status of our loan documents.
The Airbnb we are staying in has a nice fenced in backyard so we also spent a lot of time playing with Sydney and working on her training.
In the early afternoon, we walked 7 minutes down the street to Aldi for some grocery shopping. (Cost: 34.84 Pounds)
For dinner, Bi cooked a delicious spicy spaghetti with meat, tomatoes, basil, etc.