Day 93 (Thursday, December 30, 2021)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Guess what? It’s rainy and wet again! Actually, there was a brief period in the late morning of blue skies which was quite nice. However, most of the day was overcast again.

Bi setup a free photo shoot for us on January 10th so I had to go get measured for a suit today at Coes Golding a few blocks from our place. We are basically going to act as free models for the various vendors so they can showcase their tuxedos, dresses, shoes, etc. In return, we get some fantastic professional photos. Since Bi loves photos, this is a good deal as, otherwise, we would be paying for photos anyway. My wife is very creative and resourceful in finding ways like this to do what she would like inexpensively. From my side, I don’t particularly like getting photos taken but I do appreciate having great photos later. I was fitted for two different tuxedos and I will say that the outfits the coordinator selected would make anyone look quite dapper. I only have one pose though so I probably have to work on that. lol. (Cost: 0)

After the fitting, we went to Iceland for a few more groceries. (Cost: 4.35 Pounds)
Then we headed back home for lunch and playtime with Sydney.