Day 96 (Sunday, January 2, 2021)

Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

The photo at the top is how our little exorcist puppy sleeps sometimes. lol. Cute or scary?

Today, I woke up at 9am had a coffee and practiced my Portuguese on Duolingo for 30-45 minutes.

Then I ate breakfast and did some training with Sydney.

Later in the morning, I walked to Aldi for some grocery shopping. (Cost: 32.62 Pounds)

In the afternoon, we started listing to Atomic Habits by James Clear. We didn’t finish the audiobook but I am really enjoying it so far. The main premise is that small changes solidified as consistent habits with gradual incremental improvements can yield spectacular results. It is a good reminder that any major achievements require disciplined long term commitment with a dedication to learning and making minor improvements that build upon themselves.

For dinner, we cooked a whole chicken, a portion of which we use as puppy treats.

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