Day 97 (Monday, January 3, 2022)

Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

Today, I woke up at 8:30am, had a cup of coffee and practiced Portuguese for 30-45 minutes on Duolingo.

We had setup a puppy training appointment with Nikki Jenkins of Nikki’s Canine Capers. (Cost: 30 Pounds) She has a long list of degrees and accreditations and attended the British College of Canine Studies. We did some training in the backyard for a couple hours with a particular focus on whining and chewing/biting. A very brief summary would be:


  1. Ensure we are taking Sydney out before she needs to go so that she does not start wining to be let out
  2. To avoid whining when she is put in her crate, prepare kongs/lick pads so that she is occupied. Make sure we take her out before she stops whining so use a timer.


  1. If she starts biting/chewing on our hands/feet then Yelp loudly, stop interacting with her, and turn our back while walking away
  2. Anticipate the behavior and try to redirect her with chew sticks/ropes to chew on


  1. Use a harness and not a neck collar
  2. Consider throwing treats vs. giving them by hand
  3. Continue to train Sydney to look at us when we call her name
  4. Continue to train Sydney on heeling in the back yard by dropping treats as we walk or using them as lures to guide her where we want her to walk
  5. Consider training Sydney to “go to your spot/mat”
  6. Continue training Sydney on “touch”
  7. Recipe for tuna/flour treats
  8. Review 3 Second Rule for training interaction/meeting with other dogs/people
  9. It is ok to give her a bath
  10. Trainer did not believe in “time-outs”
  11. On Training “Leave It” she recommended basically trading a high value treat for the other item/low value treat versus taking the item away from the dog which can sometimes create aggression.

After the dog training, we ate lunch and then I went for a run. Here is what I did:

Ran 3.17 Miles (1.6 Miles to Pets at Home and back), 100 push ups (40/40/10/10), 3 sets of 10-15 dips, 3 sets of 20 second L sit holds, 1 minute flutter kicks.

At Pets at Home, I bought Sydney a new harness, some treats, dog shampoo, and a treat bag (38.97 Pounds). Sydney has grown quite a bit and now fits the x-small harness and may even need just a small.

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