Day 99 (Wednesday, January 5, 2022)
Costs for the Day are in the Table below:

I woke up at 9am this morning, had a cup of coffee and practiced my Portuguese on Duolingo for 30-45 minutes.
Then I cooked a breakfast of eggs, chicken, mushrooms, and cheese. I also did some training with Sydney.
In the afternoon, I went for a run and did some calisthenics. Here is what I did:
Ran 4 Miles (2 Miles to Jungle Gym and back), 2 sets of 10 pullups, 10 negative muscle ups, 2 sets of 12 dips, 10 jumping muscle ups, 10 toes to bar, 20 second hanging L sit, and 100 pushups (40/30/20/10).

Then I stopped by Golding and picked up the suits for the photo shoot. (Cost: 0)
In the late afternoon, Bi purchased a new travel crate for Sydney which she obtained from Facebook Market. (Cost: 20 Pounds) Sydney seems to like the new larger space already.

So far, we haven’t been having Sydney wear a harness and we really haven’t been using a leash very much. However, she is getting much stronger and more mischievous. We decided to start using the harness and leash regularly to keep her out of trouble but also because she will soon get her final vaccinations and be able to go for walks. We have also been practicing heeling in the back yard.
In the evening, I made a chicken, tomato, carrot, cashew, cranberry, spinach, and cucumber salad with toasted naan.
We also cooked another whole chicken which is great for our meals and also for Sydney’s treats.
Hi honey! The dog travel crate is usually 40£ and we got it for half the price since it was pre-loved . It was actually 16£ and since the guy that sold it to me dropped it off and didn’t have change, I left him keep the 20£ note.
I think it’s great to encourage people to buy second hand items because it’s better for the environment by not encouraging new items that strips resources and creates more pollution in producing new items AND you save money. Facebook market is a great platform to buy stuff and SAVE money.
I agree!! We should do a post on second hand items!